Laser resurfacing
Laser resurfacing uses a laser to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars to even out the skin coloring or the pigmentation to tighten the skin and remove the lesions. The laser resurfacing technique directs short, concentrated pulsating beams of light or irregular skin. And the laser skin, resurfacing removes skin very precisely, layer by layer by vaporizing it. The laser skin resurfacing removes skin very precisely, layer by layer by vaporizing it. The lasers remove the outer layer of skin which is called the epidermis, and heats the underlying layer, called the dermis. The laser stimulates the growth of the new collagen fibers resulting in a new skin that is smoother and firmer. This popular procedure is known as lasabrasion, laser peel or also known as laser vaporization.
The candidate for laser skin resurfacing is by the scar from acne or chickenpox, uneven skin pigmentation, skin scars or birthmarks, age spots or birthmarks, age spots or liver spots, sun damaged skin, non-responsive skin after a facelift, fine lines or wrinkles around or under the eyes, forehead or the mouth, enlarged oil glands on the nose.
One should not have active skin, or very dark skin, with deep wrinkles or excessive sagging skin would not be a good candidate.
Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive, epidermal resurfacing procedure used to treat uneven skin tone/ texture, photoaging, and striae, scars including acne scars. It is widely available and one of the most common nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. Generally, this procedure would be performed in an outpatient setting like a medical office or a medical spa, and it would be done by a trained clinician, aesthetician, medical assistant or nurse without the use of anaesthesia. During the procedure, the abrasive crystals are propelled against the skin under the control of a handheld vacuum system. These crystals cause gentle mechanical abrasion of the skin, which ultimately removes the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis, which would be part of the wound healing process, new epidermis forms with the enhanced cosmesis, which would also be helpful. This technique is safe for all skin types and complications are minimal, in addition to these cosmetic benefits there would be improved skin permeability, and enhanced deliver of the transdermal medications dosed on an area of the skin treated.
Skin Tightening
The non-surgical skin tightening procedure is a cosmetic treatment to change the look of one’s face and stomach. These procedures are far less invasive than surgical options like facelifts, and tummy tucks and some people claim that these give similar results. There are fewer or fewer complications or risks and are less expensive where the recovery is very simple. These treatments are mainly based on newer techniques and that means there is a gap in the research to understand how effective they are and what would be the long-term side effect. When one is born, the skin is rich with proteins called elastin and collagen, these proteins will give the skin structure and elasticity as the age of the body’s production of these proteins slows down, the skin is rich with proteins called elastin and collagen. There is n number of factors for pollution exposure, stress, and the hundreds of movements that facial muscles make every day and the skin might start to appear saggy. Nonsurgical skin tightening treatments target the areas of the skin that have become loose and stimulate collagen production underneath the skin.
The waking up or restoring the lost collagen, the device applies controlled radio waves to the waves to areas of your skin that one would like to tighten the skin pores. The procedure is done with topical or no anesthesia and no recovery time is required. The treatment session but some people benefit, from the multiple sessions. Other types of radio frequency treatment usually require multiple sessions to see the results. Whether one gets treatment or several results. Whether one gets the treatment, or several results are noticeable the right way. The pores would be tightened with the various procedures and the best one has to be chosen by the patient with the doctor’s consult.