It takes approximately 10-14 days to recover from a hair transplant. During the recovery, a patient can expect their transplanted scalp to be red, scabby and swollen. It takes between 10-14 days for these signs to resolve.
Within the past decade, hair transplants have soared due to a leading line of celebrities branding the treatment as socially acceptable in their publicly openly conversations about past procedures. Which now makes hair transplants a sought after treatment, eagerly anticipated by many.
After suffering from years of hair loss, you’ve taken a big leap to getting your hair and confidence back. You’ve taken all the necessary steps needed to get an FUE hair transplant, from copious amounts of research to deciding how many hair grafts you will need.
You may have tried a range of non-surgical hair loss treatments but now the final choice has been made and you’re well on your way to an FUE hair transplant procedure. Now is the time to start thinking about your hair transplant aftercare and recovery process.
Whilst a hair transplant is relatively straightforward and generally takes place over the course of a day the hair transplant aftercare and recovery process is a crucial part of the procedure and therefore must be treated as such.
There are many factors that need to be considered, from the possible side effects to the do’s and don’ts during the recovery period. In this guide we will run through the aftercare and recovery process from start to finish, highlighting any of the side effects that can occur and tackle any considerations you may have like returning to work or washing your newly transplanted hair.
The aftercare process starts before the surgery has even begun. Once a point of contact has been made, we will invite you in for an initial consultation. During the consultation, one of our experienced surgeons will take you through the procedure and perform an assessment of your hair to construct an entirely bespoke hair transplant plan.
During our hair transplant consultation service, we aim to give you a better understanding of what an FUE hair transplant entails as well as the aftercare and recovery guidance needed for a successful patient journey.
Once the consultation has been completed and a plan has been agreed, a day and time will be arranged for your FUE hair transplant surgery. A patient will need to consider the recovery time and ensure the operation and aftercare will not clash with their work schedule.
What happens after FUE hair transplant surgery?
Immediately after the surgery a patient will be able to see the shape of their new hairline as the follicles will be visible. Once the surgery has finished and the patient is happy, we will prepare them for their hair transplant aftercare and recovery journey.
We offer an unrivalled service that ensures the patient receives the best possible care, guidance and protection. This involves:
- Bandaging the extraction zone to keep the small incisions clean from any harmful bacteria and dirt. We also recommend keeping the bandage on until at least the next morning.
- Providing a protective cap that shields your hairs from the elements for the next few days. The surgeon will discuss the duration of time a patient needs to wear this cap.
- An aftercare package containing all the necessary medications and materials needed to keep your hair and scalp in the best possible condition.
- Detailed instructions on how to look after your new hair.
- Follow up consultations if required.
- Access to our surgeons throughout your recovery with any questions.
- 1 year review and follow up.
For more information talk to experienced dermatologists at Noa Skin and Hair Clinic in Kadapa at +91 836 743 6003 .