Pigmentation is a condition that causes dark spots on your skin. There are different kinds of anti pigmentations. These include superficial pigmentation, which can be caused by mild sun tan and sun damage, frictional pigmentation that is caused due to constant rubbing, and deep pigmentation, which is difficult to treat, like melasma, deep sun tan, hyperpigmentation and more.
In-Clinic Treatments
Chemical peel – The chemical peel is a skin resurfacing method used to treat skin pigmentation. The chemical peel solution can exfoliate the dead skin cells and resurface the younger and healthier skin layer. This way, the dark spots on your skin are reduced. The alpha-hydroxy acid, glycolic acid, and trichloroacetic acid are used as agents in different peels, depending on whether you need a light, medium, or deep peel treatment. At The Bombay Skin Clinic, the different types of peel treatments that we provide include Cos Melan Peel, Spotless You Peel, UBER PRO Peel (with Dermapen), Ferrulac Peel, Miami Peel, The Bombay Super Bright, and The Pigmentation Freedom Peel. All these treatments are performed to perfection under the supervision of skilled and experienced dermatologists.
Medi-facials – Medi-facials have the ability to improve the health and quality of your skin by penetrating deep into the targeted areas. Depending on how dark your pigmentation spots are, dermatologists use different Medi-facial treatments. At The Bombay Skin Clinic, the various treatments that we offer in Medi-facials include The Bombay Brightening Facial, SuperJet Facial, The Bombay Infusion Facial, The Bombay Hollywood Laser Peel, The Bombay Pumpkin Facial, Anti-Clock Facial, The Bombay Intensive Vitamin C Facial, The Bombay Bright Eye Treatment, and The Bombay Glass Skin Facial.
Mesotherapy – This pigmentation treatment uses injectable agents to treat the dark spots on your skin. The most commonly used agents are vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts, which have the ability to treat pigmentation effectively. Depending on your condition, these are injected into the different depths of the skin areas that are affected by the pigmentation. However, the treatment may have certain side effects like nausea, redness, sensitivity, scars, swelling, rash, and pain. The use of the MCT microinjector gun for performing the procedure makes the process painless and requires no downtime.
Micro-needling – Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment procedure for curing skin pigmentation. To perform this procedure, your dermatologist will use very fine needles to make punctures into the targeted areas of your skin. As soon as it is done, your body starts to heal the punctures. With time, along with the intentionally made skin damage, your body heals the pigmented spots too. The new Dermapen 4 technology makes the procedure even more effective. After performing the micro-needling treatment, meso serums like Vitamin C, Glutathione, Ferulic acid peel, and Retinol peel can penetrate deeper into the skin. This can help treat the pigment cells, which are located deeper in the skin layer without requiring any downtime.
Laser peel – The laser peel is a safe and effective way to treat skin pigmentation. The dermatologist uses a laser device to send wavelengths into the targeted areas of your skin. The laser wavelengths destroy the damaged skin cells and reduce the pigmentation. There are no harmful side-effects to this procedure and the result can be seen quickly. These days, the Q-switched laser devices are used for their advanced features. The laser wavelength used is Q-switched laser, which helps to break the pigment cells and remove them from the body naturally. It requires no downtime and will not result in increased sensitivity to the sun. However, it requires more sessions, but you can expect to see improvement after each session.
For more information talk to experienced dermatologists at Noa Skin and Hair Clinic in Kadapa and Bengaluru.