Hair loss is one of the major concerns everyone is facing nowadays, however, the loss of hair is the normal cycle where the hair goes into growth and replacement. The hair follicles go through different phases in a very non-synchronized way. Genetics is the most common of all for hair loss. However, other factors chime in as well like diet, stress, illness and medications. Lets us go in depth about the actual problems of hair loss.
Alopecia areata
This is an autoimmune disorder which starts with bald circles and these circles are usually the size of a coin. The circles can move, multiply and grow near the skin. There is no single treatment that has been effective for preventing alopecia areata. However, doctors tend to go with steroid and cortisone injections. The other viable options for this would be topical clean, low-level light therapy.
Androgenic alopecia
This is the common baldness pattern observed in the male population where 70 percent of men and about 40 percent of women face this issue. In this hair loss, the line recedes and the crown region gets the blind spot. The general thinning of hair normally occurs throughout the head. This happens in different stages as this tends to occur in the early 20s it will be very difficult for men and women. The main reason for this might be genetics and hormones as every moiety of the hair follicles is genetically programmed to get the various hormone-related imbalances inside of the body.
What is a hair solution clinic and what services do they provide?
A good hair care clinic provides a consultation process, which provides a detailed solution to the problem. Like whether it is heredity, lifestyle, or diet. They offer hair solutions and other care procedures required for the hair.
Treatments and programs in the clinic
They define hair growth or hair replacement therapy based on the patient’s needs. The customized treatment would have the best benefits. These hair care clinics provide the services like hair loss prevention, anti-dandruff treatment, sebum regulation and many more. These are designed to raise the efficacy of the hair. The novelization happens with new trend-based patterns in the hair care industry, the new topic for this is the quality and health of the hair. So it stimulates hair growth.
Home care program
Many hair clinics have shifted to home care programs and this helps in revolutionizing the industry because most women would want these high-tech techniques or procedures done in the comfort of their homes. And these clinics even provide professional services as well like what would be best for the client’s hair and what procedure would be more efficient.
Speaking of procedures, let us see what hair regrowth treatments these hair care clinics provide:
The clients tend to come to the hair care clinics when the hair loss seems to get permanent and if there is an innate response from their hair for all the products they use. So for these cases, permanent hair replacement, hair transplantation, micro grafting, punch grafting also scalp reduction has been used widely by these clinics. We can look in depth at this procedure Stem cell therapy.
Hair generally grows on the scalp and the damaged or dead hair prevents the new hair from growing. This stem cell therapy helps in stimulating these cells and helps in the growth of these cells as new follicles. Scaffolding is rejuvenated by stem cells and these are likewise essential as a growth factor this being injected into the scalp helps the hair follicles to manage themselves and grow in the proper direction. This helps in promoting hair growth. This procedure generally takes 3 to 4 months and as with all treatments, it is safe and effective. And stem cell therapy advances a non-surgical procedure and it helps the hair to grow periodically which makes the hair stay for a very long period.
Hair regrowth therapy
There are a number of reasons for hair loss however there is a lack of vitamins and minerals that might need the body to age in a different way. There may be pollution, age factor, sleep deprivation, and hormonal imbalance; these factors might chip in for hair loss. But intensive hair root therapy is one of the best options there is to help hair growth. This procedure allows the hair to grow by supplying vital nutrients directly in all ways. The nutrients used in therapy are FDA approved and mostly will be plant extracts. As these are the microinjections. The nutrients delivered to the hair roots through microinjections are relatively painless. This procedure takes 2 to 3 months.
PRP treatment for the hair loss
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the procedure where the concentrated blood plasma contains three to five times the number of platelets which are found in normal circulating blood. The addition contains the platelet-derived growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor along with the bioactive proteins which heal hair growth. Under this technique, the nutrient cocktail is delivered to the skin which possesses all the vital nutrient-dense effects on the hair. This also helps in providing natural growth to the hair and also has the supplements.
Laser hair treatment
Hair growth happens in three phases: Growth known as the anagen phase, resting known as the telogen phase, and shedding known as the catagen phase. This kind of hair loss depends on the hormonal balance in the body. The laser treatment will provide an increase in the blood flow to the scalp and stimulate the metabolism. In this phase, the photons act on cytochrome C oxidase which leads to the production of ATP. This is converted into cyclin AMP in the hair follicles which releases the energy for hair growth.
In conclusion, there might be different solutions, and different pathways but consulting which is best for one’s hair is the bet everyone has to take while choosing the hair solution clinic.
For more information talk to experienced dermatologists at Noa Skin and Hair Clinic in Kadapa and Bengaluru.